Friday, June 27, 2008

Home sweet mortgage

Son of a bisquit!!! I am so excited I could poop. Everything is coming together for our loan process for this house in Turnigan, all we are waiting on is the last 50 thousand to come through from CILC. Theres no reason it shouldn't come trhough its just a matter of the time they take to process the loan app. We more than meet the guidelines for their loan. We fall 20,000 under the lowest amount for a family of 5, we could make double what we make and still qualify, but this way atleast the loan will be deferred!!!!! We could be moving in in 2monthes.
To take our minds off it and put it on much more teeth grining things we are attempting our first over night in a tent trip with all the girls. Seward I hope. It will be a miracle if we don't get so frustrated that we pull up stakes and go home in the middle of the night. On other news.....its 10:09 am and my Denali is still sleeping so I must go wake her up.

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