Sunday, February 21, 2010


today I am tired. I took a two hour nap in the middle of the day and I am still tired. To tired to even laugh at the butt jokes my girls are making. This morning first thing as I was diving into some coffee I tweaked my back. Not major but just enough to really mess with me. Oh is this a new chapter in my not as young life? The chapter of the back problems?? Please no! In a few moments I have to start getting ready for work, you can guess that I'm not in the mood for that. I did nothing today really, finally folded some laundry that had been an eyesore in my living room for a week. I had plans of finishing my kitchen project, finishing the bathroom door, sewing something but nothing. On the plus side I have 2 doors for other people to do. They are delivering the doors to my house where I will work on them for awhile. I imagine hmmm.....maybe a 2 week turn around if I'm lazy. Plus I like to leave free time for my projects. Anyways, love hugs and prayers for a early a better camera.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

The infamous back problems...they are definetly the worst. Hope it starts feeling better soon:)