Its about -5 degrees out there right now. This is what used to be my favorite window and I want it out! Last year during a -20ish snap the ice was atleast and inch and a half thick. It reminds me of a death train I once took to Germany. I don't want to leave the house and I have to admit I am alittle resentful of the fact that I have to bring the girls to school. This is one of those days where I want to make warm pumpkin soup. I roasted the rest of the pumpkins I had and made puree. Pure baby, pure puree.
Anyways, on days like this I want the outside world to go away and leave us alone. I want my house to have better insulation, I want the sliding glass door GONE. Those things get mold in the cracks and what a heat suck. I want someone to come over and do my dishes and laundry and dust my corners and clean the toilet so I can lay in bed all day under the big down blankets reading books to the girls and watching cartoons. But no, thats not how it goes down. I get into bed @ 3am due to work and get back up at the crack of 7am to start getting all 3 girls up and fed and dressed in all their winter gear to get girl 1 off to school in -temps. Come home only to vaccum and clean up the results of fun night with daddy while mama's at work. Now I'm typing this and seriously thinking about sherking my duty of getting girl 2 to preschool but I know I won't so at 10:17 am its time to start thinking about what to cook for lunch. but thats life. Here are some outstanding sippits from this morning I can't seem to stop complaining about.
So, shut up mama and be happy right? Right. I just don't like the weather. I love that picture of Elsie up there.
In other news, Sean and I are starting to revisit the idea of moving to Seward. We both seem to think that we'd be pretty happy there and neither of us are that picky about jobs as long as our family is taken care of and happy, warm and fed. I could work at the grocery for all I care. Also important is where the girls are brought up. Spending alot of time in Seward as we have the community seems really close and we like that alot as well. Sean will be vested in may and as sad as it would be to sell this place I would do it to move to Seward. I think both of us would. He could still go through Avtec.
Could we really be small town Alaska people though?
I guess I need to get on that lunch now, baked sweet potato wedges and sandwiches. Sorry for the completely disjointed post here people.
* Tomorrow is my dad's Birthday
happy birthday William Alfred Hayes!
* For some reason I am now drinking more tea than coffee
I'm down to sometimes less than 1 cup of coffee a day
sure sign I'm getting old
* Love the life you live, live the life you love
More horribly boring POSTS surely to follow.