Okay, there you can see how it should be done but I figured I'd show you how I did it. My house may be dirty, my life chaotic but damn my kitchen smell like heaven.
Okay, there you can see how it should be done but I figured I'd show you how I did it. My house may be dirty, my life chaotic but damn my kitchen smell like heaven.
Lets start with the cast.

Basically you have flour, brown sugar, pumpkin, butter, salt, cinnamon, cloves, ginger, yeast and luke warm water. I used market spice tea instead of water because I like the zing of it.

Basically you have flour, brown sugar, pumpkin, butter, salt, cinnamon, cloves, ginger, yeast and luke warm water. I used market spice tea instead of water because I like the zing of it.
The you want to dump it all in a big bowl with 2 eggs and mix the shitake out of it. I will be alittle sticky but thats fine. I had to add alittle more water to mine than it called for but what the hey. So just paddle mix that stuff like mad. Grease another bowl and....

Stick it in there and cover it for around.....they say 1 1/2 hrs but mine was more around 2 hrs. Until it gets alittle fluffy. It won't be like bread in that it doubles in size and thats when you'll start thinking....hmmm....are these going to flop? Am I spending over half my day on some no good floppy rolls? No, the answer is no, I had the thoughts and kept going anyways, There real and there fantastic. So after the couple of hours you want to....
Roll it out! Roll it out people! Fairly thin, about 15 x 9 or maybe bigger. The recipe calls for 9 rolls but I squeezed 12 outta mine. When you've rolled it out mix up some cinnamon sugar. I also put some brown sugar in mine because I believe almost everything is better with brown sugar. The next time I make these I will double the sugar! I swear it. I like rolls so messy your covered in cinnamon goodness when your done. I also added raisins, I had no craisins or candied ginger on hand but I wish I had.....next time.

So you've rolled it out now spread the good stuff on.
Now roll it up. Try to make a firm roll
Yes I did actually measure it. Silly maybe but they came out pretty good so why mess with it. Make your cut marks and then go to town slicing away........do I need to say serrated knife? Really.
Smush them in a pan and let them be sniffed at. at this point they need to rise again for about and hour til they get kinda fluffy and puffed up again. heat the oven to 375

Make some icing. butter vanilla alittle milk and about a cup of powdered sugar. I like to pour mine on hot muffins because as they say in the original recipe that way it gets in all the cracks of the rolls, doesn't just stay on top you know.
This is your end product that will disappear so quick it will leave you wondering why you ever bother to make food anyways....you'll be lucky if theres one left for you to eat. You can be like me though and sneak the first one when its still super hot before anyone even knows their out of the oven yet!
Like I said, cooking and baking can make my world disappear or not seem as crazy. I feel alot better this evening than I did this morning thats for sure. Love and hugs peeps.