Wednesday, January 28, 2009

A gray day

Not in emotion mind you just physically. We are again all alittle on the sick side of things so its time for mama's special juice and soup, which as luck would have it the girls LOVE. The snow is blazing around outside, Mt. redoubt is set to blow any minute and I am trying to remember the last time it did, late 80's early 90's, it seems to have been going off forever. Anyways soon to happen again. Things are just kinda plogging along right now which is okay sometimes when there needs to be a slower pace or you just hit that mid winter lethargy and all you want to do is lay under the covers with all your babies and read books, watch movies and in general not move around much. So I'm fine with slow for right now, all warm in my cozy little house with warm colors on the walls that remind me that I used to spend a decent amount of time in Spain. Love that, much like my father I believe, a bare white wall drives me bizerk.
Monday I went to the hospital to have my stomach sort of checked over. If my symptoms don't stop in the next 2 weeks I guess they will be going in to check out my stomach lining and what various forms of bacteria there maybe in there. This of course scares the shitake out of me because as many of you know my mother died when I was 14 from stomach cancer, so I get freaked out by stomach issues. Anyways its probably just some funky bacteria so whatever, I'll know more in 2 weeks.
Denali can now get around the computer fairly well, Elsie is at the stubborn crying for everything stage, sandia is a master puzzler and they have all been very whiny lately. We maybe have some cabin fever going on here. I'm sure we do. That momentary warmth that sprang thru and melted everything got me prematurely thinking about summer and all the things we'll be able to do in our yard and the park down the street that we can bring the girls to. I am very excited indeed. This is enough and possibly way to much for now so I'll sign off as I have ladies to make cookies with. Big Love everyone.