Tuesday, June 22, 2010

In no particular order and way overdue

I ts been a busy few months with the end of school, Elsie's Tonsils and my medication start so I know this is overdue. Its a beautiful day, we are all recovering and enjoying the sunshine. I am part way through my heavy med regime and the nausea is getting better. Over all things are well and happy and we hope you are too.
Love Sarah

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

I know I know right....

I have scads of photos to post, I'll try to tomorrow, its just been sooooo sunny and hot that we haven't been inside at all. Tomorrow I promise, inbetween loads upon loads of rotting laundry to be washed right. Pray for rain so I can stay inside and get some house work done. Love and hugs and suntan lines.