What a week so far. We did the big Halloween thing. Sandia had a preschool Halloween party which was a blast but then we learned that Denali's school doesn't have them. Something to do with minority majority and different cultures being spooked by bones etc. Well she was pretty disappointed but we had alot of fun anyways. We carved pumpkins, made candy apples, made cookies, went to the Northway mall to pillage their candy stashes with hoards of other kids. The girls also got to dress up the night before to go to Sean's work party which they love. The girls are always a big hit there. When it came time to go trick or treating in the neighborhood some very good friends surprised us by showing up and walking around with us which made it all the more fun. It was great this year not having any ice to slip on or snow to curse thru, but oh it was still cold and it didn't take to long for Sandia and Elsie to want to go home. So we came home and had hot drinks and talked while the girls got all jacked up on candy and played games. The next day was all getting Sean ready to take off to Albuquerque that night. We did get to go out for awhile alone though which was nice and all to rare. The girls and I have since been sick and now half way through his trip I get the feeling we are going to stay sick for the whole 8 days he's gone. We miss him very much. Denali must say that 10 times a day. At least I have them going to bed earlier and no more movies at bed time. The great thing about his trips is that for me its a time of buckling down and breaking bad habits that have been collected over the year. Its easier to do when there is just one of us here, that way they don't pit us against each other or conspire against us. We are looking forward to our cousins Juniper and Asia coming over for a slumber party on Saturday. We have become quite close to them now and have sleep overs often. Asia and I were very close for awhile as kids and find that we still get along wonderfully and so do our girls and heck we're family. I feel pretty blessed to have some family around like that since the rest of mine is so far away. I miss you guys very much. okay enough.....love for you all!