The rest of the night was almost as fantastic as sharing my love of food with my loving husband.
Tomorrow is New years eve, the begining of 2010 and my big sisters Bday. Sout out to Shawn Hayes aka: Nawny! Love you lady and wish you a bright and beautiful year!
It also has me thinking of course....about cooking, what to make for my little family to ring in the new year????
Its to bad pop rocks wouldn't hold up in cupcakes....or frosting. How much would that kick ass, pop rock cupcakes for new years! What I have on hand though is strawberries and for those of you not in the know I am a strawberry cake fanatic. I used to have my dad bake it for my bdays, well that and fried rice. YUM. So I think tomorrow I'll make strawberry cake. Okay the important question is outta the way so that just leaves dinner......I want something that my little family loves and that reminds me of my BIG Family that is easy delish and won't cause any dinner time melt downs at the kiddy table of my life....
The boat may be gone but the memories are loud and clear,
dun dun DUN!!!!
Pork medalions ala wingsong.
I'll figure something out I'm sure.
I also think I should make evryone some nifty cardboard crowns,
I let the girls make Sean one so he has to wear it. heheheh yes I am that bad but its sooooo good for him!!
Besides there more cardboard from xmas that needs to be used up.
Anyways....heres to you, Hope your having fun and being as beautiful as I know you are. Happy New years people!!!! Happy birthday Shawn na na!
Love big mama whalen