Friday, September 3, 2010


yes I know its been awhile but trust me things are BEAUTIFUL, just busy as hell. I will get it together soon and actually sit down and post something substantial soon. For realsies! Love love and sunshine to you all.

Friday, August 6, 2010


Things are different and things are the same. This summer has been all clouds and rain, barely any blue sky since May. We registered Denali and Sandia for elementary school, Elsie for preshool. Denali lost her first 2 lower front teeth. Its adorable and she smiles all the time to show it off. Drama at my work has been petty , inane and fully fueled by estrogen. Curse working with only women! Sean and I got to take a much needed alone time camping trip to Seward. We were in his old tent and the all of our stuff ended up wet but we didn't care, we were like giddy school kids first in love again. It makes me realise how important time together without the kids really is. Reminds us how much we mean to each other, a glimpse of the person you love not stressed out over everyday shit. Thanks Asia for that. The girls stayed over night with her. Its friday today and we leave on monday for the east coast, I know it will be fun but there are still so many things running through my head that have me worried its amazing. Travelling just isn't the same when your packing 4 other people. When we come back we will be ushered straight into the begining of school and fall. Wow. Big love to you all. See some of you very very soon.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

In no particular order and way overdue

I ts been a busy few months with the end of school, Elsie's Tonsils and my medication start so I know this is overdue. Its a beautiful day, we are all recovering and enjoying the sunshine. I am part way through my heavy med regime and the nausea is getting better. Over all things are well and happy and we hope you are too.
Love Sarah