Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Holy Buckets we' re buying a house!!!

Alright I just got the call today, our offer has been accepted and we can proceed with all the inspections and what have you. I am to be honest terrified at the prospect of buying a house again but this one would be completely worth it. A good neighborhood for the girls with public schools we would actually send them to. A huge yard and room to expand when and if we want. I know things could still go arye from here but I am so excited I could spit! We have come along way from the days of renting our 1bedroom place on E 11th ave, our bright blue crack house in mountain View to the possiblity of buying another house in Turnigain. They may not have seemed it but they were all steps in the right direction because without the money from selling the crack house we wouldn't be able to have enough down payment for this one. I am (and have been since we first looked at it) picking out paints as we speak. No paint from the dump this time.....yes I am excited. Though maybe a few paints from the dump if they have the right colors.....heck I'm still thrifty. As you can probably tell my head is all a mess and if you could hear me my speech would be slurred, so I am going to exit this post before I have a chance to read it and delete the whole thing.
Ciao~ Sarah

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