Monday, December 28, 2009

xmas oh my.

Alright Christmas, you kicked my ass!

I spent weeks on these for the ladies down at Darwin's. I'm just glad I got them done. Whew. So is Sean, I don't think anyone has ever been as glad as he was to see beads get put away. Then my wonderful sister sent me a box full of bead and shells for my bday. I um.....accidently opened them on xmas though. I promptly started beading agin inbetween cooking the cakes and the ham and then I took one look at his face and decided to wait until later this week.

Our Christmas eve was kinda shakey emotionally so I decided to course out my bad vibes by making him some Dolmas which he loves! They are divine. Maybe I'll do a dolmas tutorial later on.

the Ginger bread advent calender from laura's family. The girls absolutely adore it.

Cookies for Santa of course. Maybe their why mama didn't lose any weight this week huh?

In my family we always opened up 1 gift on Christmas eve, I carry that tradition on. Sharel suprised us by making these beautiful dolls for the girls. They LOVED them. They took them to bed with them and still had their hands on them when they woke up xmas morning. So super cute.

After I wrapped everything. WOW

Denali's Barbie glamor camper. She squeeled upon opening it and LOVES it sosoooo much!

Boo Boo proudly handing Sean the gift she picked out fro him from all of them. The most elmer fud hat you've ever seen. I love it. The sight of him wearing it is hilarious and wonderful. Good job Boo!

Elsie's fairy mermaid. I had to sew wings on the mermaid doll I found because I could not find a fairy mermaid anywhere for the life of me, but its what she wanted and its what she got. I think its laying in a corner somewhere. Go figure.

Boo's magic Ariel from Auntie Shawn.

Custom hats from Auntie Julia.

Little budding artist and her paint set.
I should post some photos of her drawings because they really are incredible.

Ah, what would my blog be without another picture of food. So heres my ham. It was to die for! The girls', Sean, Big Sid and I scarffed it.

So, thats that. Today is the day before my 32 bday. Amazing. I will be going to work tonight and then tomorrow the beautiful Asia and Juniper are coming over to babysit so Sean and I can go out. We don't really have any money after this month but we do have 2 free movie tickets! Beside fun with your husband is free right! Love Love love you all.

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