Monday, May 17, 2010

The best....

This has been one of the best weekends in recent memory. Sean and I celebrated our 6th anniversary on Friday. My lovely friend Jenny stayed with the girls for awhile so we could get some alone time. It was wonderful. Saturday we took the girls down to beluga point and let them run around and be crazy on the beach there. Denali showed her skill at climbing while the other two poked at kelp and ran around in the sunshine. We then went to Girdwood were we shared some pizza and proceeded to drive down the road to one of those little ponds that form, one of the ones you can walk behind. It was a blast. Sunday we drove to Seward it was windy and I swear it was spitting snow at us but we love Seward anyways. When we pulled into the sealife center we got to see about 4 or so sea lions out in the bay which is always exciting!  All in all it was a beautiful relaxing weekend spent with the family.  Heres some even better news though.........Sean got a raise and a title change. Yeah it actually happened 1 day after he got vested, buggers. We are extremely excited and he feels really happy about it which is huge because you takes alot to make that man feel happy. May must be my month, its always been my favorite but come on this is almost over the top. Also my best ever girl Brynn will be here on the 24th for a visit which is always a breath of air desparatly needed, hardly anyone in this new life of mine know me the way the girl knows me. I can't wait I can't wait I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!! love happieness sunshine and warm hats.


siouxzun said...

Josh got a raise as well! Great month for sure! I miss you like you would not even believe! I can not wait to take Phillip to the Sealife Center. Come see us sooon!!!

Big mama said...

woo hoo, we were thinking about coming to see you all soon!!