Monday, September 15, 2008


So what a busy couple of months we have had around here. Sean's dad was in town for 2 weeks, we enjoyed spending alot of time with his family. The girls had their Super big Pirate bash which went off very well, even the rain held out until the party was over. Denali has started school and LOVES it and though the other 2 girls are sad and miss her when she is gone I think it is good for all of them. We are supposed to close the deal on the house by the end of this week which is almost overwhelmingly exciting. We should have about alittle over a month to make the changes that we want, ie: wood flooring and carpeting and painting. This of course is where I get really excited. Anyone who knows me knows that this is right up my alley, Sean's main job is to raine me in alittle right. After we get all moved in Sean will be going to NM on the 2cd of Nov until the 8th, he'll be back for a week and then I'll take off for my best girls birthday in Seattle on the 20th of nov and come back the 23rd. All of this and possible a dodge caravan to boot. Its crazy and fun as usual. We are seeing how all the hard work and saving is really coming through for us now and it feels good. More later but there is just a quick update for everyone. I love you guys and will hopefully talk with all of you soon. Hey and what about this Palin stuff huh? Pretty hilarious.

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