So we finally closed the deal. We have been very busy since then making changes to the house before we move in. So far the popcorn ceiling has been removed, re taped and mudded and now we have to primer and paint. Yesterday we had the house measured for new carpet. We decided to go with carpet due to time issues. I would have loved wood floors but when you have no babysitter and 3 kids you have to be realistic about your efforts so carpet it is......for now. Outside of that I have been typically working about 3 nights a week which means about 3 - 4hrs of sleep for me and then up and get everyone ready to bring Denali to school or all of them to music class or what have you, I'll just say its been chaotic and I am very much looking forward to things settling down a bit after we move, we are hoping to be well on our way to moved in by the 24th. So wish us luck and as soon as the house is ready I will post pictures! The pictures I posted today were taken by My friend Scott Pugh last week, as you can see the girls had a blast! Love you all and Hope things are we

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